Sep 10, 2013

Fall Plant Sale

September 14 & 21
(A)=annual, (P) perennial, (HP) House Plant, (BP) Butterfly Plant
Fall Vegetable plants (A)Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Broccoli, Collards, Swiss Chard ,Kale, Cardoon , rosemary, chives and  more…

Begonias (HP)
Basil (A)
Bird of Paradise (HP)
Black Salvia (P) (BP)
Blue Salvia (P) (BP)
Butterfly Bush (P) (BP)
Bald Cypress
Climbing  Begonia (HP)
Cigar Cuphea (P) (BP)
Coral Bean (P)
Crown of Thorns-yellow& red(HP)
 Fire Spike (P) (BP)
Flame Violet (HP)
Gold Fish Plant (HP)
Golden Rain Trees
Ghost Plants (P)
Indiana Cone Flower (P)
Jerusalem Sage (P)
Lipstick Salvia (P) (BP)
Lady in Red Salvia (A) (BP)
Mexican Flame Vine(P) (BP)
Mexican Heather(P) (BP)
Mule Ear  Kalanchoe  (HP)
Pussy Willow(P) (BP)
Pink Bananas(P)
Pink Rhoeo(P)
Pink Daisy Mums
Pear Cactus (HP)
Red Shrimp Plant (HP)
Red Honeysuckle (P)
Rabbit’s Foot Fern (HP)
Red Ruella(P) (BP)
Rick Rack Cactus (HP)
Red Lantana(P)
Rosy Red Salvia(P) (BP)
Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Sanchezia (HP)
Tropical Hibiscus 
Vitex (P) (BP)
Yellow Salvia(P)

Yellow cestrum 

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