Apr 18, 2010

Beautiful Iris

This is just one of many photos I took on a walk with Kathy on April 16th. I liked this photo so much I made it my desktop background!

Apr 14, 2010

Yes, It is Spring!

The Wisteria and Azaleas are still blooming, and the pansys have never looked better. The Native Iris are starting to bloom. The Camellias and Daffodils have finished. Chimney Swifts and Prothonotary Warbler have returned. A pair of Osprey are building a nest which can be seen from the Wedding Garden.

Apr 3, 2010

Azaleas Blooms

As of today I would say about 25% of our azaleas are in bloom. Easter Sunday should be nice. The wedding garden has the most blooms.  More blooms to come next week.